Medical Staff
Dra. Juliana Búrigo
CRO SC 6033
Academic Training
2003 - 2006
1997 - 2000
Additional training
Advanced improvement in Tissue Reconstruction Aesthetics (duration: 144h)
Center for Training and improvement studies in dentistry CETAO-São Paulo- SP
2010 - 2011
Orthognathic surgery. (Duration: 192h).
HNary Institute of dentistry – Bauru-São Paulo-Brazil
2009 - 2010
Improvement in the orthodontic treatment of Dento-skeletal Deformities. (Duration: 208h).
HNary Institute of dentistry – Bauru-São Paulo-Brazil.
2009 - 2009
15 Theoretical Practical Course of orthognathic surgery and rigid internal fixation. (Duration: 24 hours).
Hupe-UERJ – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.
2008 - 2009
Improvement in orthognathic surgery. (Duration: 212h).
HNary Institute of dentistry – Bauru-São Paulo-Brazil.
2008 - 2008
International course of diagnosis and treatment in Orthognathic. (Duration: 16 hours).
Institute of education and Research Hospital Sírio Libanês São Paulo-Brazil.
2008 - 2008
Deformities of the Face: orthodontic-surgical treatment. (Duration: 32 h).
Center for Training and improvement studies in dentistry – São Paulo-Brazil.
Learn more about the curriculum of Juliana on:
Maria Cristina Gonçalves de Souza
CRN-SC 10-0279
- Master's degree in health sciences, University of Southern Santa Catarina-UNESC-Criciúma-SC-2008
- Post graduate in clinical nutrition, Southern Cross University-UNICSUL-2011
- Post graduate in Obesity and weight loss, Universidade Veiga de Almeida-UVA – Rio de Janeiro – RJ-2007
- Post graduate in clinical nutrition, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos-UNISINOS-São Leopoldo-RS-1996
- Degree in nutrition, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos-UNISINOS-São Leopoldo-RS 1994
Learn more about the curriculum of the Maria Cristina at:
Mário César Búrigo Filho
CRM-SC 13463
Graduated from the Catholic University of Pelotas – UCPEL-2002
Residency in orthopedics and Traumatology in the Orthopedic Hospital of Passo Fundo
Full member, SBOT (Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia) since 2007
Patrícia Coelho Marinho
Degree in speech pathology at the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI) - 1998.
Graduate in Oral Motricity (CEFAC - Health and Education) - Itajai - 2000.
Specialization in Voice (CEFAC - Health and Education) - Curitiba - 2002.
Improvement Course in videofluoroscopy the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) - 2002.
Coronel Pedro Benedet, 505, Ed. Millennium Saúde Center, Sala 610, Criciúma/SC
CEP: 88.801-302